13. Sideways Drop (Bullseye Bob drops a bullet while firing another horizontally, then analyzed in Paul’s televised classroom, followed up with vertical and horizontal motion independence.) End Questions: What is Phil’s pitching speed? How fast does the ball leave his hand? And a second question: How fast does the ball hit the ground? |
14. Ball Toss (Paul shows how the motion of a ball tossed by Phil Physiker can be carefully analyzed, with interesting distinctions.) End Question: How will a force-of-gravity vector appear at position C? Will it be the same size? Or not? And for that matter, how would it appear at all the positions shown |
15. Tennis-Ball
Problem (Paul shows the solution to finding the maximum velocity of a horizontally-moving tennis ball that barely clears the net to remain in the court.) End Question: If the net were a little higher, would the maximum speed for the ball be a little less, or a little more, than 26.6 m/s? |
49. Satellite Speed (Paul shows how a satellite’s orbital speed in close Earth orbit relates to Earth’s curvature.) End Question: Why does a satellite in a circular orbit maintain a constant speed? And tie this to your answer as to why a bowling ball rolling along an alley also has a constant speed. Both the satellite and the bowling ball are pulled downward by gravity. So why don’t they speed up? Why does gravity not increase their speeds? |
Circular/Elliptical Orbit (Paul distinguishes circular and elliptical orbits with force vectors for each.) End Question: What becomes of the component of force along the direction of the satellite’s path when the satellite is closest to, and farthest from, Earth? |