Conceptual Physics Alive!

Conceptual Academy Streaming Episode Index Page - TPT Print-Friendly Google Docs Question Set Megabundle

Episode titles are linked to videos available from Conceptual Academy on Vimeo. "Questions" link to Print-Friendly Google Docs available at TPT.
Motion - Question Bundle

01. Introduction - Questions
Paul Hewitt talks about teaching physics conceptually and his earlier efforts at videotaping. Short segments of demonstrations done in 1974 and 1984 are shown. We see Paul's opening day lecture at his fall 1989 conceptual physics class at the University of Hawaii, during which Paul poses some thought-provoking questions about the physical world. The introduction is designed to give a flavor of what the Conceptual Physics course is all about.

02. Linear Motion
- Questions
Concepts of speed, velocity, and acceleration are introduced and supported with a variety of examples. The effect of air resistance on falling objects is also discussed.

03. Vectors and Projectiles - Questions
Vector addition and vector resolution are explained, using examples such as airplanes flying in the wind and projectile motion. The idea of the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of motion for projectiles is introduced.
Newton's Laws - Question Bundle

04. Newton's 1st Law - Questions
The law of inertia and the concept of mass are introduced and supported with a variety of examples and intriguing demonstrations, such as the tablecloth-and-dishes stunt. The concepts of net force and statics are also illustrated.

05. Newton's 2nd Law - Questions
The relationship of force, acceleration, and mass is illustrated with a variety of examples. The effects of friction on motion are shown using both sliding and falling objects.

06. Newton's 3rd Law - Questions
The notion that a force is a push or a pull is developed. The concept that forces always occur in pairs as interactions between one thing and another is supported with numerous examples, including a tug-of-war. Segment length:
Conservation - Question Bundle

07. Momentum - Questions
Newton's 2nd law is rearranged to the form: Impulse = Change in Momentum. A variety of everyday examples, such as bouncing are used to support this impulse-momentum concept. Conservation of momentum is demonstrated with colliding carts on an air track.

08. Energy - Questions
Mechanical energy in its potential and kinetic forms is illustrated with demonstrations that include a bouncing dart, a pendulum, and a simple pulley system. The conservation of energy is illuminated using everyday examples and a hand-cranked electric generator.

09. Center of Gravity - Questions
The concepts of torque, center of gravity, and center of mass are applied to balancing. Demonstrations include finding the center of gravity of irregularly-shaped objects, a weighted disk that rolls uphill, and a seesaw

. Rotation - Questions
The concept of rotational inertia is developed from a variety of everyday examples and demonstrations using weighted objects, and rolling cans filled with both liquids and solids. Finally, Paul stands on a rotating turntable to demonstrate angular momentum.

Gravity - Question Bundle

11. Gravity I - Questions
The inverse-square law is explained and then related to the law of universal gravitation. Weight and weightlessness, the discoveries of the planets Neptune and Pluto, and the universality of gravitation are also discussed. Segment length:

12. Gravity II - Questions
The discussion of gravitation continues with the emphasis on ocean, earth, and atmospheric tides. Other topics include tunnels through the earth, black holes, the big bang, and speculations of an oscillating universe.

13. Satellite Motion - Questions
The concept of simple projectile motion is extended to include satellite motion- first circular, and then, elliptical. After a discussion of escape speed, the tape concludes with a summary of previously learned concepts in mechanics
Relativity & Atoms - Question Bundle

14. Relativity I - Questions
A discussion on the concept of time dilation leads up to a showing of the 12-minute animated film "Relativistic Time Dilation."

15. Relativity II - Questions
Length, momentum, mass, and Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 are discussed and supported with several fanciful examples. Speculations about going faster than the speed of light are entertained.

. Atoms - Questions
Bohr's atomic model is described, with emphasis on the smallness, emptiness, and plentifulness of atoms. Atomic number, atomic mass, relative atomic sizes, and the wave properties of matter are also discussed.
Matter - Question Bundle

17. Scaling - Questions
Surface area and volume are distinguished with simple demonstrations. Several examples are used to illustrate the proportional changes in surface area and volume when objects are scaled up or down in size.

18. Liquids I - Questions
The concepts of density, pressure, and the depth-dependence of liquid pressure are used to develop the concept of buoyancy. A variety of demonstrations are used to distinguish between the displacement, volume, weight, and density of immersed objects, and to illustrate Archimede's principle.

. Liquids II - Questions
This tape expands on the discussion of Archimede's principle in the Liquid's I tape, with an emphasis on the law of flotation. A variety of demonstrations help to illustrate these concepts.

. Gases - Questions
This demonstration-oriented lecture focuses on the atmosphere--its weight, pressure, and the buoyancy it exerts on objects. Barometer, Boyle's Law, and Bernoulli's principle are also discussed.

Heat - Question Bundle

21. Heat, Temperature & Expansion - Questions
Temperature and heat are distinguished from each other. The expansion of solids, liquids, and gases is compared. A discussion on specific heat capacity leads to the physics of a freezing lake. Demonstrations using liquid nitrogen show the effects of low temperatures.

22. Heat Transfer - Questions
Conduction is related to many everyday examples and is demonstrated by boiling water under a variety of conditions. Convection is shown with a pressure cooker. Radiation is related to Newton's law of cooling.

23. Heat Radiation - Questions
The temperature dependence of radiation frequencies are related to the greenhouse effect. The way in which sunlight spreads differently over parts of the earth helps explain the warmth of the equatorial regions and coolness of polar regions.

24. Heat: Change of Phase - Questions
The concepts of evaporation and condensation are contrasted. The energy transfer that accompanies changes of state is related to everyday examples.

Waves+ - Question Bundle

25. Vibrations & Sound I - Questions
A coiled toy is used to illustrate the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves. Interference of waves and beats of sound are also demonstrated, followed by an explanation of shock waves and sonic booms.

26. Vibrations & Sound II - Questions
The reflection, refraction, and speed of sound waves are explained. A discussion of forced vibrations and resonance culminates with exciting historical footage of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.

. Radioactivity - Questions
The differences between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are discussed, with emphasis on balancing nuclear equations. Radioactive half-life and techniques for radioactive dating are also explained.

. Fission & Fusion - Questions
Fission and fusion are distinguished and compared. Energy release from nuclear reactions is explained in terms of the resulting mass defects. Muon-induced cold fusion is briefly discussed.

Light - Question Bundle

29. Light & Color - Questions
The electromagnetic nature of light and the reason its speed changes when passing through transparent materials are explained. Several demonstrations illustrate the addition of different colors of light. Finally, the colors of everyday things such as the sky, sunset, and ocean are discussed.

30. Reflection & Refraction - Questions
Mirrored and diffuse reflection are compared. Refraction is demonstrated using a water tank. The concepts of total internal reflection and light dispersion are discussed, leading to a demonstration of properties of a rainbow.

. Light Waves - Questions
The interference of light waves is demonstrated with laser light, and related to the colors of thin films. A discussion on polarization is illustrated using polarizing material.
Electricity and Magnetism - Question Bundle

32. Electrostatics - Questions
Electrostatic charging is demonstrated in a variety of ways--with a rubber rod, cat's fur, an electrophorus, a Whimshurst electrostatic generator, and a Van De Graaff generator. Lightning rods, charging by induction, and charge polarization are also discussed.

33. Electric Current - Questions
Concepts in electric current and examples of Ohm's law are discussed. Series and parallel circuits are demonstrated using a car battery that has extended terminals

. Magnetism and Induction - Questions
Electromagnets, motors, generators, and magnetic levitation are examined, using numerous examples and demonstrations.