New Teacher Workshop
California Standards, Assessment, and Accountability in Physics

California Academic Content Standards in 9-12 Physics
Physics content that the State of California has deemed important. Check it out; you may be surprised by what's in and what's out! (I think Standard 5.f. is kinda goofy.)
Dean's Physics Standards Mini-Posters
One Standard and Framework equation set on each. These posters are pretty even if the Standards and Framework are not. Collect all five!
California Science Framework
The official elaboration of the standards.
California Department of Education Science Curriculum Web Page
Links to CDE resources and updates.
California High School Physics Standards (UCLA Site)
 This web page attempts to be a collection of documents that discusses each California Physics Standard with ideas that might be useful to the new or inexperienced physics teacher.


STAR (Standardized Testing And Reporting) Resources
STAR includes CAT/6 and CST (California Standards Test) programs (among others). The following items can be found on this page:

STAR Blueprint PDFs
The formula by which the Physics CST (California Standards Test) is composed. Please note that starred standards are not assessed.

STAR Science Reference Sheets (including the Physics CST equation sheet)
Go to this page to find the Physics Reference Sheet, the equation sheet students can use during the California Standards Test in Physics.

Released CST Sample Physics Questions
Each year, 25% of the questions from the STAR physics test are released to the public via this document.

STAR Sample Questions
Newly added (8/2009) STAR information portal for students, parents, and teachers.

STAR Results Reports

Find out how your school did on the STAR tests. Click on your county, then school district, then school. Includes Physics CST.

California Department of Education's API Page

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