The Book of Phyz - AP Physics 1

© Dean Baird. All rights reserved.

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The documents and all material contained therein are © Dean Baird. All rights reserved. They may be used by teachers and students for classroom instruction. Beyond that, no part of these documents may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

1 Rotational Kinematics
Side-by-side comparison of rotational and translational position, velocity, and acceleration.
2 Rotational Algebraic Kinematics
Equations of uniform motion and uniform accelerated motion given in rotational quantities.
3 Rotation Examples
Definitions of quantities, explanations of equations, and worked out example problems.
4 Rotational Dynamics I
Side-by-side comparison of rotational and translational force (torque) and mass (inertia).
5 Rotational Dynamics II
Side-by-side comparison of rotational and translational impulse and momentum
6 Rotational Dynamics III
Side-by-side comparison of rotational and translational work, kinetic energy, and power.

1 A New Kind of Motion Springboard at Teachers Pay Teachers
Introduction to rotation as a second kind of motion, distinct from translational motion, as a classroom discussion.
Torque Springboard at Teachers Pay Teachers
A classroom discussion to develop an understanding of the parameters that determine torque.
Screwdriver Springboard at Teachers Pay Teachers
A classroom discussion to determine the advantages of different-sized screwdrivers.
 4 Angular Momentum Springboard - Answers
A classroom discussion to introduce the concept of angular momentum (by comparison to linear momentum).

LABS - The unlinked titles below are available in the Conceptual Physics lab manual from Pearson Education - Amazon link
1 Angular Force
Personal experience in balancing an increasing torque created with a single force.
2 Angular Mass
Personal experience in waving the mysterious rotational batons. Equal mass, equal length, but not equal somehow.
3 A Question of Balance at Teachers Pay Teachers
Sim-based exploration of the conditions of balance.
4 Sit on It and Rotate
Personal experiences in conservation angular momentum. Perennial student favorite.


Kinetic Karnival: Rotation at Teachers Pay Teachers
Jearl Walker's spin (!) on rotational mechanics.

YouTube Physics: The Ultimate Backyard Water Slide at Teachers Pay Teachers
A thrill ride in his own back yard. Down the ramp, up the jump, and into the pool. Almost.

Click here for a legend and explanation of cryptic terms and abbreviations.

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The Book of Phyz © Dean Baird. All rights reserved.